Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Often times the reason that our lives are changed by the people that are introduced into our paths by Providence is because of us. WE are looking to be instructed in something better, looking for a change from our current state of being, we are looking to be elevated. THIS is God given, by the way.

More, after the jump (hit link below)...

 But every once in a while, we run into people that despite our very best efforts, change us without knowing they have. And despite our resistance, just their mere existence into our sphere of awareness brings about a stunning clarification of the world around us, for it seems to be a different place by the light of this person. This is confirmed by the things we concern ourselves with that were once not a concern. Or the things we find ourselves fussing over that we used to not fuss over. Or find ourselves caring about the things we once did not care for. And that change of something more intrinsic: we find invaluable those things we once found worthless.

This is conversion in its most fundamental. Welcome to John 3:3

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