Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is important?

A reevaluation of the importance of certain matters comes about in times of tragedy, pain, suffering. It is in those times of trouble that values are reexamined to seek the answer to this most fundamental question.

This question marks the bottom line of every action and thought. It displays the value that is necessary in every endeavor, or action set in motion. Each thought of consequence or purpose. In class of education, this question marks the focus of study. For each class tests to answer this very conjecture.

This question, asked at the end of life, then takes close scrutiny to every choice that came before and places each in appropriately glaring light. For truth will give its answer, and each decision must be weighed against the answer to this question. Is it time at the office, is it amount of money made and lost, is it fortunes built and legacy made? What is important, for the answer to this question drives the motive. By the answer to this question we choose our vocation, companion, even amusement and recreation. If we believe adventure and exploration is important then our activities follow suite.

At the end of school, if grades were more important than learning, or achievement better than mastery, then it shows itself in the kind of scholar or artisan produced, whether one who merely has performed the task required to receive a certificate, or whether mastery of information has been acquired.

This question drives our happiness, and we find ourselves deceived if at the outcome of all events, this question, put forth at the beginning, the middle and the end, is answered with the glib but hurried response, token to the impetuous disinterest in its underlying meaning. Meaning with such depth that to deny its acknowledgment would render us chasing with savage intensity those things that will not produce what we desire. Satisfaction and contentment.  Peace that is presumptively described as Divine. That may not be so.

So this question must be answered at every stage, and reopened again. Not so much that indecision creeps in but enough that we remember what drives us forward, ignites our hearts, and fuels our passions. Because in the existence that allows self-awareness enough to the education of the conscience, To Be Or Not to Be, once answered, that which provides meaning to the Being is the question that then begs attention: In order to Be, what is important?

What gives existence life?

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