Thursday, November 4, 2010

10 Places

One of the funniest things to me are warning signs. By virtue of their existence, they speak of the condition of the modern thinking American, for in America, the Land of Litigation, where else can you find warnings to not eat this, don't park here, do not enter or do not cross. But this alone is not the humor thing. The humorous thing is that someone, some day long ago, before the warning sign was put up, someone tried to do just what the sign said not to do. They dove in head first, they swallowed the pill, they parked there, and they ate that. They took the medication while intoxicated and inserted the toy where it wasn't meant to.

While some of these signs / warning do provide protection of the producers of the product or owners of the product in question, other signs do not. They simply are trying to protect people from their own lack of common sense. The following article is a case in point and begins with an anecdote of a juror passing a note to a court marshall asking for a date:

10  of the most inappropriate places to flirt

1 - Hospital waiting room
2 - The gym
3 - A funeral
4 - A job interview
5 - The underwear section of a department store
6 - In line for the bathroom
7 - Your therapy appointment
8 - A parent-teacher conference
9 - On a date with someone else
10 - At work

While we may smile at CNN's choice of reportable news. We have to wonder what prompted such a list. Some where. In this country we call home. Someone had the lack of common sense to do this kind of deed, which resulted in a significantly bad outcome. Some actually did what we find so humorous.

And we missed out because they didn't get it on YouTube!

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