One of the things that keep Vermont economy running is making sure there is enough snow in the winter time to keep all the various ski resorts running, generating money, and pumping it back into the community. Well, with the last several weeks, it had been warm enough to start seeing green patches peek through the snow. A snow drought of sorts.
Well, that broke last night, and it's effects are apparent on Highway 62 on the way to work. Don't worry, I was safe, I held the camera on my steering wheel while I drove (yes, under the speed limit.) The interesting thing about this snow is how warm it is outside. A sweltering 33°F this morning was the temperature during all the shots in this post.
I showed up at work (I'm on call today, it's the only way I have consistent internet access) and was greeted with this great view of pristine trees lining the dignified side entrance to Central Vermont Medical Center, with trees more reminiscent of Christmas time than Maple season, which is on its way.

Here is the Emergency Entrance if you didn't catch the subtle white letters. The ER docs are quite phenomenal here, not only are they notably congenial, they are extremely competent with pediatric patients (a lot of calculations, after all, they're all in various stages of development). Needless to say, I'm very comfortable with their treatment of my patients; but despite this, I don't look forward to being called in tonight. Especially wading through this snow.

The fine view from the house I've been put in during this assignment. It's a bit of a drive away, but beautiful. If you look hard, you'll notice a little brook (now frozen over) weaving between the trees. I'm fortunate to have big glass windows opening up to this.

Finally, the back porch of the house. If you pay attention to the snow atop the folding lawn chair, you'll note the amount of snow that has fallen overnight. Pristine. And it's also quieter, because the snow actually acts as a sound buffer.

The snow is a bit wet because we've had warmer days here in Vermont recently. I'm not sure what that will do for the resorts, but they're telling us HERE that we're going to be getting this for the next several days! I'm on call for four out of those five (yes, all weekend long!). We'll see how that goes. I'll let you know if I get cabin fever.
Wow! You have a great eye. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteCamille Graham