Behind the house where I'm been assigned to live, there is a brook. It froze over this winter, and I could walk across it. Now it's the beginning of mud season, and only remnants of the winter's snow lingers still. What replaces it is water that mixes with the dirt and some roads do not allow access to certain parts of town.

This is the road that leads up to Hubbard Park, the local park that overlooks the state capital. It has trails to run or walk or mountain bike or in the winter time, snow shoe, or take your dog. This road comes up the front way to the park, but is closed off for mud season because of its high dirt content in combination with its steep grade. But fortunately the steep grade means a view over downtown Montpelier.

If you look closely, you might be able to catch some citizens with less winter clothing, and now going about their business as if it wasn't 17°F outside. No more snow shoes, only warm running gear or some warm hat gives evidence that the warmer weather hasn't arrived yet.

Which is evidenced by the ice still on Berlin Pond, a local reservoir just outside of town. Here you can see the leafless trees lining the pond edge, but hints of spring just edging into the foliage.
Sabbath afternoon found me wandering around the prettier parts of town, because I was on-call and church is about an hour away, a little too far for my limited on-call driving radius (I'm required to be within 20 minutes of the hospital.) Thank God for MP3 players and audio books!
Don't forget, you can click on each photo to see the picture full size; more impressive shots of the brook, downtown, or Berlin Pond.
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