Monday, November 23, 2009

No Peer Pressure

My Grandfather, whom we affectionately call Lolo as a term of endearment, turned 100 on November 2 this year.

I flew back to California to see him on the weekend of his birth and he is still as spry and active as before. The grandkids, coming from as far away as New England (yes, that would be me) and Tennessee (Eileen and her family), each gave a short blurb about the wonderful memories we have of growing up here with him after he came over in the early 80's.

We recalled countless memories of generosity and, little known to him, his environmental awareness (he collected and recycled aluminum can's like crazy, then divvied up the money amongst us. His excitement and encouragement for our adventures growing up and his persistent concern for how we are doing. Though he has difficuly hearing, he still enjoys when any one of us come over, and especially when we share scripture with him. He has his own Bible in Tagolog (the official filipino language) and we can easily match it with the KJV text because of the book, chapter, and verse.

It was a busy weekend jaunt to California, and then back again early that week to prepare for winter. That's another post.

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