Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Video Ministry

So for a few days, I shipped down to visit a friend in Florida. He runs an independent ministry called The Gospel of Health and runs a school entitled School of the Prophets, which teaches young people (as young as 12 years old) how to have a personal walk with Christ for themselves, as well as teaches of Prophecy and the message for the end times, going through the Bible and Steps to Christ.

But these next several days is just for Media. We're up to our ears in un-edited video footage, and will bu culling through Lecture videos, as well as PowerPoint / Keynote presentations.

Today we had to do some house-keeping chores (my phone was on the fritz and I left my toothbrush in Virginia, don't ask me how) and scope out locations for publicity shots for future brochures and the website (yes, he's on Facebook; no, I'm not).

But like a canvas dipped in unfading hue, every conversation touches on the work that needs to get done, how improvement can be made, a deeper surrender, repentance, and consecration to the work, and especially the work of Christ in that second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary.

I only had my Blackberry so this is a shot of St. Pete's Beach. But despite the balmy 84 F weather and minimal humidity, I do miss my friends in Maine, (Also too much asphalt in St. Petersburg), where the air is a bit nippy and fall is etching itself on the trees, ground, and air.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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