Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why I Travel; Why I Would Stay

How people are brought together in close proximity, I cannot tell.
The logistics of bringing two together so calculated to smooth the rough spots in each other is of such high and profound complexity, it seems difficult to begin to think on it and one can only jump in its middle, when awareness comes that a mutual importance is shared.

Providence puts those within our path whom, though we may have not chosen for ourselves, God sees fit to polish our character, unbeknown to either them nor us. Only aware that abrasion or adhesion is occurring, we are completely oblivious to that polish that is wrought by both the rubbing and the clinging. A polish we could never have done for ourselves had we taken the time to plan it.

A polish that some would find brilliant and others find garish. But when asked, we could only say, I know nothing of which you speak. I only know of friendships and companions brought my way by the Providence of God. Friends I have loved and cherished, and others I have struggled to understand but for whom I find a deep care and admiration.

And though we may never come to know the depth of our influence on them, nor they ever learn our own affection and deep interest in their affairs, yet still the words are laid to rest upon the receiving heart, and thoughts are meshed, and emotions exchanged, until like two substrates, they are changed and forever altered by the contact each has made in the life of the other, no matter peripheral or direct.

Then it matters not so much how we are brought together but that the world can be a better place for the connection we had made, no matter how fleeting.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful. adding words will only detract from yours (but here i go anyway! ha!)...i've been wanting to write deeper ideas like these but have been caught up in the extraordinary ordinary (borrowed this term from a blog i follow)...of daily life with sea and story moments before sea is off for kindergarten...i do so love these moments but also want to write bigger, deeper, more meaningful ideas i dream, imagine, wonder, analyze, stay up way too late thinking about...enjoyed reading yours and once i get the kids to bed might even be able to re-read it on another level all together...
