I enjoy and gravitate to well written stories of modern day issues. With a title that references those who have sought to produce gold out of common tin, Irwin walks the reader through the current financial situation we find ourselves in today as a national and consequently world economy that is intricately intertwined. While explaining enough finance to help the reader understand, I am only a third of the way through and it reads with the gripping excitement of a suspense novel but with the complexity that can only come from real life.
The gripping pit in my stomach came as I recalled where I was, at least in the month, at the beginning of the downturn occurred in Aug of 2007 and because I have friends and family who have been affected by the "market correction" that hasn't shown light at the end of its dark tunnel.
As the story unfolds, unlike any work of fiction, the reader can find themselves within the pages of this book with an involvement that they had not realized before.
The book is enlightening to say the least.