Snow Day ... this is NOT Southern California. |
Growing up in Southern California, in grade school we'd had a phenomenon called Heat Days. Conditions in which it was so hot that the school's airconditioning couldn't keep up with the sweltering, and we were all sent home early. Well, something similar happened today, AND I'm on-call tonight, so I have to sit around the apartment waiting for someone to walk in to ER or head to the OR for some kind of crash c-section. While my friends get together for Sushi, and fun, and photography, and potentially new video footage.
While at work |
While at work, the snow continued to come down. They had to dig some of the 2 wheel drive cars out of the parking lot. But fortunately for my, my Jeep is tried and true, and at no other time (other than the trip to Sacramento from Mammoth through Tahoe without snow-tires, chains or a snow-plow), have I been more happy for this vehicle.
The View from my Apartment parking spot. |
It's not even that cold outside, just windy and snowing A LOT! But the snow is nice and relatively dry, not as squeaky as Colorado, but still pretty dry. But relatively safe here, and warm, with books. Interestingly enough, I left my camera at the Lombards (so that their cousins could mess around with it), and I had to shoot these with my sidekick: the S90.
So crazy the weather differences...we were in short sleeves in sunny ventura today...would love to visit snow one of these days...I tell people about our heat days and they give me weird looks...