Saturday, May 23, 2009

Don't Take Your Work Home with You.

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Upon arrival this is what I saw at 10:30pm at night, after driving through the Colorado Rockies and across the plain that makes up the San Luis Valley.

Quite comfortable and spacious with plenty of amenities, this wood-paneled apartment comes with everything except internet access, which I have found to be quite a serendipitous omission. It reminded me of the days when internet wasn't necessary, and the best ways to connect with friends and colleagues is to actually make your way over to them in person and talk with them, shake their hand, and see how they are doing.

But there is room for the clothes and even the bike and weights, and all the collective camera equipment used to make the photographs of this blog. The refrigerator is large enough and small enough at the same time, as well as the sink and overall kitchen. The bathroom is big enough and the water is hot enough, but this single room apartment can't be beat for its space, its view and seclusion. It is wonderful to come out here where there is no driving car, because its address says it all: Country Road 108. That means that it still takes about 3/4 mile to make it to the main road, which is still almost 3 miles out of town. No street lights, no stop signs, only a small sign that reminds us that this location is a private reserve.

It actually helps me put work where it's supposed to be: at work.


  1. dear elwyn, it looks like you had a great time in Colorado. there are some things that i would like to talk to you about. i talked to peter gregory last sabbath about possibly doing some bible work for iona in San Diego. he also has a bible school starting in september. the things i want to talk about are important. please call me.

  2. So, Dr. Garaza, got any good shots in London 2007? :-)
