Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gourmet Dinner

Some of you would be proud, I actually ate something tonight. And I didn't buy it from a place that offers supersizing or upsizing or dollar menus. I put it together myself (can't you tell?)

So usually, I have some Veggie Chicken patties from Morning Star Farms. But it's late, and I get these severe abdominal pain if I eat heavy before bedtime. Which might not be smart in case a little baby decides he can't wait to join the current world, and I have to catch him and make sure he's breathing ok, and help him if he needs it.

But back to my dinner. It's easy, and everyone makes fun of bachelors for cooking funny things or not at all, eating soup out of a can, or Top Ramen, but I paint with colors. I guess the yellow acrylic is missing but what could you do, I didn't want the the Veggie Chicken stuff. The tomatoes and spinach are tasty and fresh, and easy to eat.

Ok, so I don't have my menus planned for the week, so if any my current readers would mind making one for me (remember, I'm vegan in terms of diet, not philosophy), I'd really appreciate it if you put it in the comments. For now, all I do is try to get all the colors onto the plate.

It's kind of like a workout for the next six weeks, you plan it and then do it. I'll leave that for a later post.

But for all of you who worry about simple things like this, I do eat, and I do eat healthy. Some times it's elaborate like in the photo, sometimes it's just water and raisin bread. Truth be told, I'm almost up to my High School weight, but my goal is 165 lbs. And still no beer belly ;-)


  1. I wonder what you'll think of this.

    Just toast some bread and it can almost be like a semi-special-occasion bachelor meal. And you can't go wrong with yeast flakes.


    you can search for (specifically) vegan recipes (or low-cal, dairy-free, gluten-free, etc). they also have 5-ingredient recipes (for the novice :) and 30-minute recipes (for the busy doctor)

  3. Looks healthy and satisfying for a tired stomach.
